What is the Best Attic Insulation for Florida Homes?

Discover what type of attic insulation is best suited for hot and humid climates like Florida. Learn about spray foam, blown fiberglass, blown cellulose, and fiberglass blocks.

What is the Best Attic Insulation for Florida Homes?

The best type of attic insulation for Florida's hot and humid climate is spray foam insulation. Closed-cell spray foam has an impressive R-value in the range of six to seven per inch, making it one of the most reliable insulators on the market. ENERGYSTAR recommends an R-38 value for most homes, which translates to approximately 12 inches of insulation. We recommend insulating the ceiling with blown foam, as it is what we use in most homes in Florida.

It comes with a variety of perks that make it perfect for our climate, such as its high R-value and air permeability. Other types of attic insulation suitable for Florida include blown fiberglass, blown cellulose, and fiberglass blocks. When selecting the right roof insulation for your Florida home, there are several factors to consider. Space, density, access, budget, and whether you are building a new home or improving an existing one are all important considerations.

Investing in high-quality ceiling insulation can create a more comfortable and energy efficient living space in your Florida home. Spray foam insulation is the best choice for Florida due to its efficiency and ability to seal all corners, no matter how narrow or small. This ensures that the temperature remains controlled in the attic. Johns Manville Kraft-Coated R-30 Insulator is a formaldehyde-free fiberglass insulation designed to provide efficient and safe insulation for attics and wood-framed ceilings.

Blown fiberglass is also a type of loose-filled insulation that is effective when used to insulate attics in hot, humid climates such as Florida. It is important to ensure that the roof or walls can support the additional weight derived from the additional insulation before installation. You can measure the thickness of the attic insulation with a ruler and multiply the number of inches by the R-value of that particular insulation to get an insulation rating. If you are designing a new home with an unventilated attic, the air permeability of the insulation can dictate condensation control requirements, as set forth in the Florida Building Code. Choosing the right roof insulation for your Florida home is essential for energy efficiency, comfort, and cost savings.

As one of the most trusted names in the insulation industry, Owens Corning offers a range of fiberglass insulation products suitable for roof insulation in Florida homes. When selecting attic insulation for your Florida home, spray foam is an excellent choice due to its high R-value and air permeability. Blown fiberglass, blown cellulose, and fiberglass blocks are also suitable options for hot and humid climates like Florida. Consider factors such as space, density, access, budget, and whether you are building a new home or improving an existing one when making your decision. Investing in high-quality ceiling insulation can create a more comfortable and energy efficient living space in your Florida home.